Meet Dr Rick | Dentist in Padstow | Dental Clinic on Stanhope Gardens

Meet Dr. Rick

rickcoDr Rick is a healthcare enthusiast, a keen fisherman and is often referred to as an innovator. He and his wife Jeanine are parents to 3 children, a sweet daughter and two bouncing twin boys.

Dr Rick graduated from the University of Sydney in 2001 with a Bachelor of Dentistry with Honours. With nearly 15 years under his belt, Dr Rick is challenging traditional dentistry with innovative practices and business models.

Early on in his career, Dr Rick noticed there were problems with people accessing emergency dental appointments, and dentists managing last minute cancellations. Rick knew that there had to be an easier way, and in 2011 he left dentistry and founded, a game changer and one stop shop for access to healthcare services in Australia. 1st Available Ltd officially launched in April 2012, is now a listed company on the ASX  and has been delivering the convenience of online healthcare appointments, facilitating over 2,100 private healthcare providers with nearly 3 million online appointment bookings since 2012.

After helping 1st Available find its feet,  Dr Rick decided he wanted to get back to his passion – hands on delivery of quality dentistry.

In 2013 Dr Rick relocated to Canberra and Oasis Dental. Oasis Dental specialises in restorative dentistry, focusing on comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning followed by returning teeth as close as possible to their natural state so patients can continue to care for them.

Oasis Dental reflects Dr Rick’s vision to offer dental health, not just dental treatment, and help people keep their teeth for life.

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